by Kem Meyer, Communications Director

We went live recently with a new Here are three things you may not know about this launch: 

  1. Old friends and the little website that could. We had the same web site for nine years. NINE years. That’s really saying something considering it was built before smart phones, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. And the real miracle is that it was still working—integrating with new technologies and media like a boss. It was the little web site that could. We are so grateful for our partnership and tremendous run with the team at Aspire!One. How did they DO it? Those guys are amazing and we still look to them for counsel, creative approaches and new project ideas. 
  2. New friends and new challenges. The new is not just a new web site. It’s a launch that accelerates our 2016 vision to help our people Be the Church, Activate the Campus and Reproduce at Every Level. First we launched the Early Learning Center, then The Commons, then The Eatery, Reads & Things, then the LaPorte campus and now THIS! We’re changing paradigms and couldn’t do it without the help we’ve received from Plain Joe Studios. We are venturing into places we’ve never been before and they have been like new creative, technology and strategy sherpas. 
  3. We’re live but we’re not done. Just like we started using our physical environments before all construction was 100% complete, we will do the same with our online environment. It’s 80% complete and now it’s time to let traffic start flowing through the space. This last 20% is a crucial step in the development process. We get to see how people use it. If things work like we anticipate. What needs adjusted. What bugs are hiding. We know people are going to find things and we’re loving the feedback already. This is where it gets fun.

If you're looking for practical help with the launch of your own website, or just need to revamp your organization's communication strategies, grab a copy of Kem's book, Less Clutter. Less Noise. If you're not sure, you can download a free chapter—because we believe that when you help clear the path, you help people take their next step toward Christ.