by Executive Pastor Mark Waltz
I’ve been asked lately about some bottom-line musts to establish and/or take guest services excellence to the next level. This isn’t an exhaustive list (that’s why I wrote a few books on the topic), but these core essentials will provide a foundation to make your serve to guests excellent and personable.
- Are the right leaders in place?
- Do they carry the DNA, mission, vision and values of the church?
- Do they hold the experience of the guest as a top priority over personal convenience?
- Are they gifted leaders—not merely doers (although they may do fantastic work)?
- Do these leaders have chemistry, trust and love for each other?
- Do they model the level of personable service you want every team member to practice?
- Are values defined and communicated (whatever those are: Team, Engagement, Next Steps, People Matter, etc.)?
- Are teams using those values as lenses to serve guests? That is, are they operating from a motivation of values rather than mere technical training or a task list?
- Are systems defined and functioning so guests are served well?
- Are systems facilitated and owned by team members who utilize those systems to serve people?
- Do systems help team members understand their schedule, expectations, and feedback loop?
Of course if you’re providing guest services in the local church, it’s assumed, but should be stated—the love of God in Jesus motivates everything you do. It is the number one driving value. Helping people experience the grace of God is the point—or there is none.
Have you heard about our Workshops? They are one-day intense and focused, interactive learning events on Tuesday, October 13 and Wednesday, October 14 with lunch provided. So come with your team on either or both days (20% discount if you attend both days). Learn more about First Impressions, Creative & Communication Arts, Students, Groups and Kids’ Ministry. Register today!