• The Parent's Survival Guide Audio Bundle

The Parent's Survival Guide Audio Bundle

Forget quicksand and shark attacks, parenthood is one of the most truly terrifying adventures you’ll ever encounter. Since no baby has arrived with an instruction manual, most parents find themselves deep in the trenches of toddlerhood and teenagerdom, experiencing the high-risk hazards of sleepless nights, disciplining, temper tantrums, first days of school and first dates.

Our motto? Always be prepared. During this four-week trek deep into the wilds of parenthood, we pointed you towards the gear and tools you’ll need to take on one of life’s greatest challenges. With help from the Essential Guide, you’re armed with new strategies to not only survive raising your children, but thrive as a family.

Messages include:

  • Are We There Yet? | Mark Beeson
  • Mapping Boundaries | Mark Beeson
  • Resetting Your Compass | Josh King
  • Growing Pains | Ted Bryant 


File Type: MP3