Find ways to feed your creative soul.
It might be taking an extra 15 minutes to sit in your car and read a devotional before you hop into work, or following a string of blogs written by leaders you admire or maybe going to a concert in town. For you, it might mean taking a nap. Listening to a favorite new song. Journaling. Whatever charges your batteries, creatively, you need to make some time for it in your work day. Ministry is a demanding, never-ending calling. Our work doesn’t end when we punch out for the day. We’re always on, always caring, always praying. Make it a priority to get a daily dose of inspirational voltage to keep your batteries charged.
If you’re looking for other ways to boost your impact, whether you’re on a church staff or a volunteer, come to a one-day workshop at Granger that focuses on your ministry area, happening May 18 & 19. We have workshops geared for First Impressions, Creative & Communication Arts, Groups, Students and Kids Ministry.