by Executive Pastor Mark Waltz
As in, when people make comments that are less than complimentary. Even disparaging. Listen.
- If one person is making the observation, ten more may be thinking the same thing. They just didn’t have the courage to say so.
- The person may not understand your values, methods or language. But if you’ll listen, you may learn what people are actually hearing—even if you don’t intend to communicate it.
- There is usually at least a grain of truth—even if the complaint is riddled with emotion and misinformed statements.
- A primary concern (in addition to your faithfulness to the message of Jesus) should be how people are hearing and experiencing your message: from the parking lot to the message, to the care expressed in your systems and connection points.
- Often people who share legitimate concerns are people who can help bring solutions to your systems and organization.
One more thought—if you’re the one making a complaint, have the courage to use your name. When you do, conversation can be constructive and helpful. To both parties.
Excerpt taken from Mark’s Blog.