by Creative Arts Pastor Sean Bublitz
Leading Creatives: It’s challenging, it’s fun, it’s chaotic, it’s joyful, it’s frustrating—it’s the best.
Throw church into the mix and the haze of the how thickens.
We’re all creative in one way or another. We’re teachers, musicians, designers, writers, thinkers—we all have traits that are amazingly unique and endlessly frustrating. So how do you approach the art of moving a group of people with unique qualities from concept to performance?
Define The Box
We all create within a box. We have a facility box, a resource box, a time box, etc. Define the box you’re creating within for your team.
Set The Bar
What is excellence for you? What’s the vision? The end result? Define it so you’re all working toward one thing, not many.
Give Them Freedom
Be secure enough to acknowledge that you’re not always going to be the smartest or most creative person on your team.
Don’t micro-manage creatives. Give them appropriate space to create.
Tell them what to do, not how to do it.
Keep creating along with them. This creates empathy.