I went to the very center of the room, adjusted the settings and laid my little camera on the floor. With the lens aimed straight up at the ceiling, I set the timer for a two-second delay and pressed the shutter. The result is this picture. It’s the ceiling at the site of Caiaphas’ Palace—the place where Peter denied Jesus.
I was profoundly moved in the dim light of that lonely moment. I prayed a quiet prayer: “Strengthen me Lord. I am certainly no better than Peter. When I’m tempted to fall away, help me stay true. Make me a faithful disciple.”
Unfaithfulness is disappointing.
All of us long for honorable relationships. We want those committed to us to be faithful. We long for people to keep their promises. Even as sin breaks relationships, we still desire faithfulness. We want it. We need it.
I have good news.
No matter what, even when we sin and fall away, GOD remains steadfast, faithful and true. We can count on GOD. His unfolding plan of redemption and restoration intercepts our free-fall in sin.
GOD is faithful.